Welcome to TEMPLE of ISRAEL in Wilmington, NC


We are a congregation that supports a wide range of programs and activities for members of all ages.

We want to build a community based on inclusiveness, where everyone is welcome, regardless of age, marital status, sexual orientation, a Jew by birth or by choice.

At Temple of Israel (TOI) we strive to provide a meaningful and fulfilling environment for worship, education and social interaction, following the principles and values of Reform Judaism, including commitment to God, Torah and Israel; and to enhance the lives of our congregants and our community.

As an inspiring center for Reform Judaism, TOI will provide meaningful experiences, where memories will take root and grow, while honoring the past and building for the future.

TOI aims to be a warm, welcoming, multi-generational and inclusive congregation, financially sound, with a committed and growing membership base and religious school.

TOI will be the focal point in our community for Reform Jewish worship, education, social interaction and Tikkun Olam.

Join Us For Shabbat Services

every Friday at 7:00pm 
Temple of Israel, 1 South 4th Street 
or on Zoom 
Please contact the Temple office at office@templeofisraelnc.org to let us know you will be visiting and we can add you to our Guest List.

To pay your

Temple Commitment

Click HERE

From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

How The Collab Inspired Me

How The Collab Inspired Me jemerman February 27, 2025 NFTY Image I've been involved with NFTY for a few years now, and the experiences and relationships I've gained have shaped who I am today. This year, I had the privilege of attending the NFTY Collab, a gathering that brings teens together from across North America to engage with each other, learn, and explore the future of Jewish life.

What Message Does the Mezuzah Have Right Now?

What Message Does the Mezuzah Have Right Now? jemerman February 20, 2025 Arts and Culture Image The Heller Museum invited leading contemporary artists to conceive innovative designs for a mezuzah. Seventeen artists imaginatively reenvisioned this traditional Jewish ceremonial object.

We’re Always “Left of a Bang”

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Supporting Immigrants and Refugees in This Challenging Moment

Supporting Immigrants and Refugees in This Challenging Moment jemerman February 19, 2025 Immigration Justice Image Background on recent Reform Movement statements, longstanding Reform Movement policies, and opportunities for action by individuals, congregations, and communities.