Please click on the fund to which you would like to donate to bring up the PayPal page. You may use your credit card or your Paypal account to make a donation/payment.
You may dedicate your donation (in honor or, in memory of, yahrzeit of) on the PayPal page.
Adult Education Fund | For all Temple adult education activities |
Rabbi Sidney H. and Jane H. Brooks Jewish Academy | Support the Jewish education our our youth in order to ensure a strong and deep connection with their faith |
Endowment Fund | To ensure the perpetuation of the Temple |
General Fund | To assist with general operations of the Temple of Israel |
Holocaust Commemoration Fund | To support all local Holocaust commemoration/education activities |
Jonathan Reibman Memorial Fund | To cover the cost of special projects for the Temple/Reibman Center as needed |
Kleid Family Religious School Scholarship Fund | Scholarship funds available as allocated by Fund administrator |
Meals on Wheels Fund | To cover the cost of food/supplies distributed by the Temple membership for the Weekend Meals on Wheels program |
Music Fund | To promote music programs for the Temple congregation |
Oneg Fund | To assist with the cost of the oneg following Shabbat Services |
Jewish Cemetery Fund | To maintain, repair, and enhance the New Jewish Cemetery |
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund | For use by the Rabbi to assist with special needs |
Temple Restoration 150 Fund | To restore and maintain the Temple of Israel’s historic building |
Tikkun Olam Fund | To collect funds to do good works for those individuals and community-based service organizations who have needs beyond their ability to cover |